Our Compassionate Team: Making a Difference

Our Compassionate Team

Sadly, one of our longest-term patient and family relationships has come to an end, with the passing of the lovely Sevasti at age 89.

Naturally, at times like this, we pause to reflect on and honour Sevasti, her extraordinary life and the wonderful commitment she made to her family and community. Our team have been closely involved with Sevasti and her loving family for more than eight years, delivering allied health services.

Beyond just being a recipient of professional care, this family, like so many others, occupy a special place in the caregiver’s heart. As a company that aims to attract and foster a warm and nurturing breed of people, we recognise that they too feel the loss, and empathise deeply with the family.

We would like to pay tribute to all of our team members Alajeeta, Jay, Michael and Chelsie, who have been involved in Sevasti’s care over these years.  These compassionate professionals have connected authentically while giving personalised care, and they’ve formed such a deep bond that they too are grieving, along with the family.

Here is a moving thank you letter, published with permission from Sevasti’s family, that we proudly shared with our team.

On behalf of my sister and I, we wish to convey our deepest appreciation for your condolences on the passing of our beautiful and beloved mother Sevasti last Wednesday at Fronditha Care

We will be forever grateful for the expertise and gentle support of members of the BodyRight team over the past eight years.

The encouragement and tailored support Mum received after her hip fracture, the ongoing therapy each weekday morning until her final walk, made a significant difference to her wellbeing and quality of life, as she battled dementia and reduced mobility.

Personally, I greatly valued being involved directly in Mum’s daily care and therapy through the ‘Partner in Care’ initiative from @Aged Care Quality and Safety Commission and learnt so much from working with Michael and Chelsea more recently, when assisting Mum in the best possible way, including the use of verbal prompts in Greek.

The sensitive and heartfelt concern and eventual condolences from all of the BodyRight Healthcare practitioners during Mum’s week-long palliative care are greatly appreciated.

We were thankful to be able to embrace Mum in her final hours as she took her last breath on the very same date as our beloved father’s passing 36 years ago.

We will keep treasured memories in our hearts forever, may our loving mother, Sevasti rest in eternal peace.

All the best continuing your exemplary services to benefit other residents at at Fronditha Care.

Warm Regards, Maria

Indeed, Rest in Peace Sevasti and thank you to Sevasti’s family for their kind words and for being such wonderful Partners in Care. We are immensely proud and grateful to our team members for their contribution to Sevasti and her family – thank you, thank you and thank you again, we salute you all!

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